Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Yardeners Plant: in which we put things in the ground and welcome a new Yardener!

We did it! The Yardeners have planted. Not all the seeds, though--mostly the herbs and spinach and lettuce. Considering how cold it has been recently (lows in the 40's, highs in the lower 60's), it's probably a good thing that we don't have everything in yet.

Here are some of the herbs. They are very content and happy herbs. Face printed out some nifty-looking labels for them so we remember where we planted them.

The only thing: we planted the herbs in the NW corner of the garden. This is the corner that will get the most standing water if it rains. But since this is the corner that gets the most sun, maybe that will be ok.

I don't know if you know this or not (a brief side note: those of you who are gardeners already, please let your minds wander as I inform the rest of our readers), but mint has a tendency to take over more than their fair share. As does rhubarb. And cucumbers. That is why your gardening friends will leave "gifts" of rhubarb and cucumbers and mint on your doorstep during the night.

Hey! Here are the seeds! I know this isn't proof that we planted, but at least you can see how organized we are.

And by the way, look at the size of that garden! Every time I go over to work, I feel a little nervous about how big it is. I mean, you could have a rugby match in that plot of earth!

Here it is. Can't you just picture a rugby match going on in the field?

Oh look, in the far corner you can see the herbs--growing like Methuselah's beard. We just hope the grass doesn't grow back like Methuselah's beard.

Here we see The Pooh as she plants the herbs. She plants the mint graciously into the Mint Pot. The mint is grateful for her care.

Didi, Face, and The Pooh were joined by our newest Yardener, Maineiac, as they planted the herbs. This is Maineiac's first foray in our back yard garden, and let me tell you, she really brings some cool weather expertise. We rely on her knowledge especially during these cold months.

Here we see Maineiac sowing seeds. Observe the graceful pendulum arm effect. She is a master.

During this herb-planting time, the Yardeners also spent a good deal of time weeding. I guess in a garden plot this size, having just been transformed from grass to garden, there is a tendency for the grass to want to come back. Especially because of the wonderful mulch and fertilizer that we spread all over. So we spent some time making sure this isn't going to happen.

And speaking of fertilizer, we have used some of the compost from the bin that we started over two years ago! It is a miracle that grapefruit peels, apple cores, and carrot peels can turn into wonderfully rich, incredibly glorious dirt! And no hint of smell! None!

The Pooh and Maineiac put together the ultimate herb garden. We are excited about making mint tea this summer! I myself plan on drinking some fresh, minty tea while weeding the nasty grass.

Stay tuned! The spinach is starting to poke its head out of the ground!

1 comment:

  1. Looks supa' cool guys! I watch this post with great interest. I have even started a nano garden at my apt--i call it, narden. It only consists of two tomato plants, but it is joined with your yarden in spirit! I will keep you updated on progress
