Friday, June 4, 2010

All you need is Weeding. (Ba bu dah da dah)

The Yarden has been growing like crazy. Green things are sprouting out of the ground like Martian Zombies on the Day of Reckoning!

It's really incredible that after only a week, tasty consumables are already poking out of the ground, just waiting for us to pick and eat them. But unfortunately this is true for the weeds as well, so I have devoted this blog post to that always present, always monumental task of weeding.

We have all sorts of weeds coming up in the Yarden. Grass, clover, baby oak trees, and
dandelions, to name a few. I'm sure that many different types of weeds are trying to take over.

Here we see The Pooh properly getting rid of these weeds. We are hoping that after a few years in The Clink (the compost bin), they will have learned their lesson and will be ready to be a helpful and propitious part of the society that is the Yarden.

Look at that! Those are not weeds. Though to be perfectly honest, these leafy greens are transplanted from a friend's garden. But hey, it's something! Something that is not weeds!

This lettuce is a miracle in itself, however. For when we picked it up from our friend, it looked fairly wilted and just generally lackluster.
When we transplanted it into the Yarden we had to convince it to stop lazing around on the sofa and get out at play. Also, a little sun and water helped.

Lately the rain has been falling steady and strong, so we have not had to water that much (which is good), but also makes for messy yardening (which is gross). Krizby and The Pooh model the mud.

Isn't it glorious? You don't get any better than this aerated, composted, TLC'd soil. I bet all the plants reading this are super jealous and already planning their weekend getaways to the Yarden.

Here we see the Yardeners picking all that nasty, inedible green stuff out of the soil. So many Yardeners in one spot! From L-R: Coy, The Pooh's brother, Face, The Pooh, Krisby (hiding in the back in purple), and Maineiac. Nice work, everyone!

The Clink. This is where all the rotten and smelly ruffians go to "break down" in sorrow until they are useful to the Yarden again. Here they sit and think about what they've done, while older and more experienced
ruffage teach them the ways of the Yarden and what beautiful dirt they can become.

Mmmm. Compost. Bubbah shows the wonderful stuff we will be putting into the Yarden--eventually. Right now all it is good for is attracting flies.

Keep Yardening, my friends! And have a lovely day.